Monday 18 July 2016

Follow Up Appointment with Jackie and More Results!

Next follow up was with my consultant, the Jackster. Literally one of the sweetest women in the world. Also kinda clever too...which helps. At the time of the meeting my IST results hadnt come back so she couldnt update me on whats happening with growth hormone but she did say the blood results which also tested my free thyroxine (to do with thyroid function) showed it was a litttle weeny bit high. So, instead of increasing my levothyroxine, theyve actually reduced it. Turns out that was what was keeping me awake at night. And she also gave me some good news. Infact the best news- not only were my cortisol levels 'a little bit low', they were undetectable!!!!!!! (Which is anything below 30nmls) woohooo! Thats a sign the surgeons worked their magic and got rid of that god damn timmy! Even though it was along with my pituitary gland I am over the moon. There may still be a weeny bit left in the bone which ill need radiotherapy for, its not doing any damage right now and i can lead a normal life without having to worry too much. 

She also approved me to go travelling next year! Woohoooo. So all that money i saved by never going out and being a tramp to pay for rent at uni over the next couple of years is being blown on a big 'fuck it, ive had a shit year' extended holiday. I cant wait. All in all, Dr Jacks is happy with my improvement and is happy to get me back on that road to the good life. (Long live jackie)

Since that meeting ive had a couple of letters through the post explaining my thyroid funtion test results and saying it is advised to start me of growth hormone. I have to be booked in for another injection lesson before i start because, unlike emergency hydrocortisone, this one is into fat (tummy, arm etc) and not muscle. Tbh i cant wait to get started. My muscle mass feels as if its at a negative right now and every movement i make gives me aches and pains. Load me up and load me up soon!!

I also have an MRI on the 2nd September and a meeting with the oncologists (i dont have cancer, its just oncologists deal with radiotherapy) on the 19th to look at and discuss my MRI and book me in for a course of radio. Looks like things should be plain sailing from now on and im finally feeling optimistic about the future (except the fact were leaving the EU but thats a different story).

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