Saturday 12 December 2015

Monday's MRI and Final Goodbyes

Before my MRI I got a lot of questions asking me how I felt about it... I wasn't really sure what to answer. I wasn't really that fussed. I'm not claustrophobic or anything so I didn't really have any fear for it. Despite there being a RTA ( :( ) on the way there which meant we were 6 minutes late instead of 15 minutes early everything went quickly and smoothly.

I went in, was greeted by a friendly blond lady and given a sheet to fill out. First half asking about about metals and stuff (piercings, past experiences with metals etc.) and second half about medical background. Didn't take long seeing as I took all my jewlery off earlier and before this, the only time I've had to be in hospital concerning myself was when I was six and I picked my nose at after-school club so it started bleeding and it didnt stop for six hours. Even then it stopped in the a&e waiting room so I wasn't even seen. Actually. I lie. I also had to go to a&e when I was nine and got dared to put my hand in burning fire embers at brownie camp and I did... Peer pressure aye. But even then, because it was in the middle of nowhere, I got treated ( by treated i mean given some cream and a shitty fabric sling) in a building smaller than my doctors surgery. But anyway, I digress, none of this is relevant to getting an MRI. The answers on my form didnt flag up any concerns so I was good to go. I was led into a chilly room and asked to lay on the infamous MRI scanning bed with my head in a bowl typed thing. The woman then put a tiny needle in my left arm so she could pump in the contrast for the scan (You cant feel it going through you). Then she put ear plugs in my ears and padded out the rest of my head bowl with foam like padding. It was like wearing a big cushiony helmet but without your face being covered. Then she flipped a face cage thing over my head (but it was a relatively big cage so i had a good half a ruler space above me) and it had a mirror on it angled so i could see them in the background. I didnt feel claustrophobic in the slightest, it actually felt quite roomy. She then gave me a pump thing to hold in my right hand that I could squeeze incase I felt panicked and wanted it to stop and then put a blanket over me cause it was freakin freezing! Once i gave her the A OK she slid the bed along into the big circle machine thing and the scan began. I felt no way about it... My head was nice and padded so the noise wasnt even loud and being from south london, the murmurs and noises were quite comforting really. I could of had a snooze in there to tell you the truth. But there wasnt enough time for that. It was all over an done with very quickly. The parking meter in the car park told us we were in and out within 46 minutes. Lucky that, seeing as hospital car park prices are (immorally) extortionate! but let's not go into that.

I felt a little dizzy when I got out but not too badly, and it went after 5 minutes anyway. Time to rush to the station and get back up to manchester! I arrived with plenty of time and actually ended up waiting around for about half an hour before my train. Suited me... Enough time for a leisurely euston station Itsu :). My train was 25 minutes late (but five minutes too early for a half-refund, the bastards.) which meant I definitley didnt have enough time to drop my shit back at the house before heading to the party. I requested an uber as we pulled in and when i rushed down to the taxi rank it was already there waiting for me. I turned up at the bar looking like some kind of Lily Allen twat wearing a dress and trainers, lugging a big suitcase and an adidas rucksake stuffed like a year 7 school child. But at least I made it on time. I changed my shoes and proceeded to have a good night (the next day wasn't so good, though).

The next few days were lovely. Whilst also having to do rubbish things like getting my official interruption forms signed off and handed in and packing up my room, i was able to spend time basking in the company of my uni friends. Christmas meals, christmas markets, trashy tv... All that good stuff I love. 

So thats been my week and the end of my time in manchester for this year. After what i can only describe as an 'appropriate' final send off experience of the magic bus, sitting sandwiched between the local gurny homeless woman with the ripped pleather coat and coarse hair and a giant drunk man singing songs to his equally as drunk friend standing on the stairs blocking anyone wanting to go past, I'm heading home for Christmas.

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