Wednesday 27 April 2016

Junior Doctors- Do your thang!!

So thanks to my wonderful mother having a rant to the bbc, my face and story has been plastered all over various newspapers and sites (Yah, cheers for using 5 year old photos of me with no eyebrows daily mail.). I just wanted to respond and clarify that if anything was written in a way to suggest I blame junior doctors or that I am not in full support of the strikes - I dont and I am!! 

The responsibility for this mess lies entirely with Jeremy Hunt. I would much prefer my surgery to be postponed then to be under the care of exhausted, sleep deprived, unmotivated and drained doctors. Despite what some people make out, doctors arent striking because they're greedy and care more about themselves than their patients but are striking because his decisions are dangerous for everyone involved by putting peoples lives and futures at risk (doctors and patients). 

My frustration lies with the empty promises and the fact my surgery could easily have been scheduled for a more convinient time. But hey, maybe thats the result of the huge pressure Mr Hunt has put the NHS under already. 

And also for those worried because the papers are making out like im about to kneel over and die tomorrow. Im not. Its just the longer my body is exposed to the steroids, the more damage is being done and the more pressure my body is being put under. So yeah, surgery is quite urgent to prevent an endless list of long term conditions developing but even with Timmy tumour having a rave in my brain, I'll still be here tomorrow. And the day after that. Just maybe a little more damaged than today. 

Also another update on surgery is that there is no rescheduled surgery planned. (Wahey!) I must wait until next monday to pester them again. 😒

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