Tuesday 14 June 2016

Give me a Freakin' B R E A K!!

So I've been home a week now and I have to say it has been f a b u l o u s . Despite feeling sad after having to give the chocolates to a doctor I think I'd only spoken to once in my whole four weeks because none of my favourite nurses were on shift, I was happy to come home with my sister and get straight back into the kitchen. It was my cousin's birthday and she loves cream (lol) so we decided to bake her a celebratory Victoria sponge. I had my first stroll back down to the high road and picked up some strawberries and a solero. It was surreal living like a normal person again... I felt as if I'd been reborn!

The novelty soon wore off and I swiftly got back into the swing of things. I was meant to go and get my Mum's parcels from the post office the next day but it started to storm and I couldnt be arsed (glad to know I'm still the same person). So starting to be active again started on Wednesday instead. I lunched with me Nan.

My days have been filled actually, whether it be baking, visiting my Pops or getting my feet tended to. Although I have slept until noon almost everyday, I haven't been asleep for all of the day and I've actually managed to gain back some QOL. In fact, on Saturday I actually had a couple of drinks(!!!)(happy birthday annabel). Didn't take me long to get back on that bandwagon, aye? I did take it slow though, didn't wanna risk it too soon... but I didn't get a headache, wasn't in any pain and didnt get a hangover. Milestone!

But soon after my big release a heap of shiny new inconvieninces started to pile up. An eczema-like rash has festered in places you don't even wanna know about, my jawline (if you can call it that) and cheeks have become sensitive, itchy and dry, the back of my head has become itchy (not nits), theres a sore on the inside of my left nostril, my lips have become sore and bumpy (like when kids suck their bottom lip and it gets crusty) and I feel as if the inside of my cheeks have swelled because I'm biting them and getting cuts without even realising it. And to top it off I've gone and developed bloody hayfever. Oh and to top that off, my cat doesn't like me anymore because he thinks I abandoned him for a month. Does life want to throw anything else at me?! For goodness sake.

Mum said I've got scurvy and malnutrition because I didnt eat for 8 days lol (I don't.). I called my CNS and she said it sounds like I'm having a reaction to something but I told her I definitly know I'm not because everything is the same. Same washing powder, same food, same shower gel. She also suggested it may be a reaction to the antibiotics I was on but then swiftly dismissed that seeing as all these things only came up after I had stopped receiving them. In the end she put it down to me probably laying in bed doing nothing for a month and my body now being run down in comparison. Meh... kinda makes sense...

Even though we didn't know what was causing all of this for definite, I went to the GP to see what he could offer in an attempt to try and soothe my sorrows. He was fit. Looked like John Chapman; So it was kind of embarrasing having to show him my crusty skin, itchy scalp and blotchy face, but he was nice enough for it not to be awkward or uncomfortable. He reckons my rash isn't eczema (even though i had it bad when I was younger and it feels exactly the same) ...just some other kind of gross skin infection. And its probably happened just because I've been confusing my body with all the different hormone changes. He prescribed me three creams (that I have to get undressed and inconvieniently apply three times a day) and made me buy some specialist shampoo. Although he advised me not to use certain ones on certain areas and I can't for the life of me remember which ones where, so hes got to call me back tomorrow morning and remind me lol. Thank God I now qualify for exemption to pay for prescriptions otherwise I'd be living hand to mouth for the rest of my life with the endless list of drugs I need. Fingers crossed these creams solve my, what seems like, ever-growing problems! But hey ho, just another (uncomfortable) blip in the journey. Rome wasn't built in a day.

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