Monday 6 June 2016

Im Going Home!!

So despite my release being scheduled for the 5th June about 10 days ago, yesterday I had to wait until 5pm to be told the doctors failed to organise my discharge in time to catch the pharmacy. No drugs for me. A visit from one of the consultants basically confirmed I may as well not have any pituitary gland left at all and I have to be on replacement for all 5 functions... so I kinda need those drugs. I was told I had to stay another night. Annoying, but okay... Discharge promised the next day and I get to see my favourite Alvaro again! Me and my Mum boycotted my confinement and went for a walk in the park and a sourdough pizza (I regretted it when I had to roll back into bed).

The past few days I have been itching to get home. I didn't bond with the nurses I had assigned (except Jeremel and George, love you Jeremel and George xox) and out of visiting hours the only communication I had was ordering breakfast or someone asking about my health (and now they have no concerns even the health visits are brief). I never thought I'd say it but I'm bored of my own company! Don't get me wrong, I still love 'me' time, but when all i can do during 'me' time is watch things on my laptop, go to the toilet and fail to complete a single crossword for 19 hours a day for four weeks, I think I've exhausted it. I am SO unstimulated.

Anyway, as my time in hospital draws to an end (this time.... chances are, with these bloody Crooke's cells, I'll be back again.) let's look at some horrific pictures of the rollercoaster I've been on while in here.

First photo after first surgery
DYING from the heat

cross eyed, crusty faced tampon selfie
Went for a shower and everyone had pissed off... a lonely lunchtime 
when my cousin sent me this...
...i sent her this...
After first surgery when we thought that Timmy had gone and I was feeling fine!
Second surgery

Zonked in my new dark blue cave

waking up (but still with photophobia)

 first meal all week

meningitis strikes

attached to my drip and doubling the sunglasses 

battered and bruised and running out of veins

but feeling well again and starting to get bored!

 attatched to a drip 7 and a half hours a day, this guy became my best pal. I could also only wear one jumper with big enough sleeves to roll up to my armpit, so that was fun.

but i didnt love it as much as this guy- picc line <3
first time out in three weeks

Pedicure c/o mum
feeding time at the zoo
labelling my many, many bed pans with my bed number so they can identify my piss...
...and add it to my chart (not a great morning... input on the left side, output on the right... id pissed over a litre and it wasnt even 7 o'clock yet)

I am gonna miss the people and the routine in here... but after four long weeks I can confidently say I am ready to go home. Peace out bitchez xoxoxox

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