Sunday 19 June 2016

Miscelanious Photos

was scrolling through my photos and came across loads that made me think 'that'd be great to use on the blog!' But alas, im not smart enough to be able to structure my rambles in a way that makes these photos fit in and be relevant... so heres a mix of random photos from my phone relating to my experience:

I would be so tired all the time that i would fall asleep whenever i was still. Lol at the first pic. Not even 2 pages in
This was when i was meant to go out for a friend who i hadnt seen in ages's birthday. I got a headache and fell asleep. Its not the only time that has happened... This is what i looked like when i woke up.
One of my many ever growing bruises....
The buffalo hump
I thought i was so cool having a cannula that I actually took a picture and sent it to someone practically every time i was in PIU. Now I think cannulas are not so cool. Especially not in the foot.
I was also fascinated by the endless vials of blood and drug filled goodie bags. As you can imagine, the novelty has worn off now....
My first experience of the hospital lunch box. It was, and continues to be, brilliant.
This grey cup of tea? Not so much....
When they started me on metyrapone and i got an itchy ass face
Disgustingly itchy and swollen ankles/ legs/ feet
When my legs turned BLUE from my blood pressure medication
But despite it ruining my bottom half, it made my heart work normally for the first time i think ever !
'What i take in a day'
And this was my attempt at 'what i take in a week' but as i was sorting them back into my daily pill pots i realised id missed out some. I couldnt be arsed to sort them all again. 
Apparently I've got cancer. And apparently i hate all junior doctors.
I forgot to include this one on my hospital post. Its just a tray of IV antibiotics...
Lol this was when id been talking to my nurse for about 10 minutes before realising my dress was practically around my waist
Coming home and making a cake
When i ran to my mum cause id just seen how hairy my thighs were (i actually cant bring myself to post that photo and youll thank me for it) she went and bought me a present
My first proper outing!
My dry, crusty lips and cheeks and my furry top lip growing back post-hometime šŸ˜­
You'd never believe it seeing my hair dry but yes, this really is all i have left šŸ’”
A pale and poorly day just generally feeling shit.

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