Monday 16 May 2016

...Round 3...

So last night i went to bed (well... Went to sleep** seeing as im always in bed) in the hopes of being released today. But much to my dissapointment the encrinologist said he wanted to run baseline tests ( my bodys natural hormone levels) and to do that theyd need me to be off any replacement medication which theyve put me on as protocol. So I needed to be not given my medication this evening and bloods needed to be taken tomorrow morning. Another day in hospital feeling absolutely fine! Yay! But hey not too bad... Probably out tomorrow.

I had a few surprise visits which made my 'last' day in hospital quite nice. I wasnt polyuric either so i didnt need to be injected which was also a bonus. But then just as my mum was about to leave, the registra that went through my consent form with me popped his head into my bay and made his way to my bed. Long story short they want to re-do the surgery. My cortisol levels werent as low as they would like and the results from Timmy's biopsy showed the cell division was high and the nature of the tumour was quite agressive. So anything left in there isnt likely to take a back seat anytime soon... He also mentioned that because it is so agressive I might need to do a six week course of radiotherapy to keep any possible remains inactive which i bet will be barrels of fun! 

Im kind of sad that I have to go back under and kinda sad that the situation is worse than we all thought but I guess it makes sense now as to why I wasnt really afected by the metyrapone and why I was feeling so spritely so soon. But i guess thats just me being too optimistic again! My recovery really was too good to be true!

Anyway so, not the greatest news, but Ill be having surgery again tomorrow. At least I dont have to wait another six months to get on the table again. Fingers crossed I dont piss the bed in recovery this time...

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