Saturday 14 May 2016

Still Alive and Kickin'

It's now 4 days post surgery and I am feeling high and dandy! I went in on Tuesday morning to be told I was 3rd on the list (which meant at least 9 hours of waiting :'(), so first thing i asked was if i could eat anything (I had to be nil-by-mouth from the night before). She flat out looked at me square in the eye and said 'no. you eat, it's cancelled'. Right, that was that then. A day of hunger ahead.

Anyway, a few minutes later another woman came and introduced herself and said there must have been a confusion because I was actually first on the list. wahey! maybe they'd seen the newspapers and wanted to get me over and done with and out their hair as fast as possible. I was first seen by one of the surgeons that went over all the risks and got me to sign the consent form. Risks being possible stroke, possible loss of vision, possible CSF leak and meningitis infection and then the big old risk of never waking up. All veeeery minimal though. I asked if I could take timmy home... He said no :(.

Then I was taken to get some pre-surgery blood tests and changed into the notorious sexy gown and stockings. Oh and another piss sample was taken for an on the spot pregnancy test (negative). Then it was time for me to go down into theatre. I said goodbye to my sister and went down with my mum where the anesthetists introduced themselves and told me what would happen. Then I said bye to my mum and went into theatre. I climbed on the bed and a man started talking to me while they prepared things in the background. He put a cannula in the back of my hand and told a bad joke. 'Have you heard I'm on the sea food diet? I see food and I eat it' He then tried to tell it to one of the other ladies and after the question she just said 'eugh. too expensive.' and walked off. Didn't even have a chance for the punch line poor chap.
And then I was out. Don't even remember getting drowsy or anything. I was on and then off like a switch. Next thing I remember was waking up, with a tampon in my nose, to a couple of people reminding me to breathe and that surgery went well. They kept asking me if I was in pain which I cant even really remember being in but I guess I was as they pumped 14mg of morphine into me. I got up to the ward about 4 o'clock and that's all I can really say about the day. They woke me up every 15 minutes to check my blood pressure, oxygen levels, temperature and level of pain but I was pretty much asleep until about 4pm the next day.

Then when I woke up I had a dull headache but nothing much. I didn't need any painkillers (they're meant to bung you up no end and I don't really fancy that unless I have to) I'm pretty sure the headache was just because the room was so bloody hot and stuffy anyway. I didnt feel completely wiped out. Yeah a little tired but nothing more than the norm. Which I thought was strange because they said they were expecting me to be practically lifeless and I wasn't even on any cortisol replacement that day. Not gonna lie I was a little bit worried that that was a sign they hadn't got it all out and Timmy was still blasting steriods into my body but they took my bloods and the next day they said they were happy with my levels and they corresponded with the assumption that they'd got it all out. My morning cortisol was 210 which is apparently a little on the low side but thats what they wanted to see. So... good news!! They reckon on the Cushing's side of things I am rid of and in remission!

But even though I've got full movement, I'm feeling absolutely fine, no headache, nothing. (Only small thing is that my nose bleeds if i move too fast or have any strain) I have to be kept in because im polyuric. Which basically means im deficient of one of the hormones that regulates my body's fluids and I'm peeing like a fountain. The doctors said it is quite common after surgery though, but I have to go 24 hours without being polyuric before they discharge me.

Its kind of embarrassing if you think about it... I have to take a labelled bed pan to the toilet every time and leave it there chilling for them to collect and measure. But I have to do it about 10 times a day, so it's kind of like second nature and not very embarrassing anymore. Just gotta catch their eye and give them the 'my piss is awaiting you in the ladies toilet- you know the drill' eyebrow raise.

It is SoOoOoOo boring here, the most stimulating thing I have to do is take a shower. And I've always been a frequent pee-er so it's frustrating not being able to leave because of something I've dealt with since forever. And to the people who complimented me on the clarity of my piss when i sent them a pic from when I was collecting it for my 24 hour urine collection (lol)... turns out the clarity wasnt a good thing, my body isnt retaining the water it needs to (ops).

But if polyuria is the only abnormal thing about me now I am more than happy! I'll hopefully be discharged on monday.

I've met some interesting characters since being here. Sassy Janet maybe being my fave. Shes diabetic with a back issue and she used to be an avon lady. Although she does have an ear piercing text alarm which I could have done without. But hey ho, im in a different bay now and poor Janet is on her lonesome in a side room. Hunky nurse Alvaro is also high up on the list of my favourite people here. Reasons obvious.

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