Monday 30 November 2015

Getting Restless

So after my Wednesday of piss collection, I sheepishly handed in 3 litres of the good stuff to the PIU at Kings on Thurs. The cab journey there was possibly the most inwardly awkward experiences of my life. Damilola the Uber driver had no idea the sloshing sound he could hear every time he went round the corner was coming from a container full of piss I was hugging. He was trying to make conversation about my day, my studies etc but the entire time I was just thinking 'I'm carrying 24 hours worth of piss on my lap'.

Anyway so when I handed it in I asked for a rough estimate of when they next need me in so I can plan when I can go and pack up all my shit in Manchester (didn't use those exact terms). She just stared at my piss container on the desk in front of her and said it usually takes two weeks for 24 Urine-Free test results to come back and they'll only be able to know what the next step is once the results are in. So, I now have two weeks to wait! TWO WEEKS! I was having a lovely time in Manchester and I travelled back down to spend 24 hours pissing in a bottle and you don't need me again for another two weeks! I don't know why my consultant said she wants me to have surgery by Christmas... doesn't seem likely.

But that suits me just fine. I really dont want surgery before Christmas. I wanna be able to actually enjoy the celebrations. There are so many good things going on in December! I'll happily have it after though, knowing that I actually have the potential to be a normal person without all these ailments is making me restless and I'd to be normal as soon as possible please.

Anyway, so no developments, really, except for the realisation that surgery is most likely to be after Christmas rather than before (which I'm more than happy about).

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