Tuesday 10 November 2015

November 10th- The Ball is Rolling!

I slept in again (but its my day off so I didn't feel too guilty). But when I woke up I woke up to 3 missed calls from an unknown number. I kicked myself. I just knew the calls were from the doctors. I'm so eager to get the whole process started or at least know what the process is going to be but i freaking missed my chance and now I have to wait for them to call again!

Doesn't take long for an incoming call from an unknown number to pop up on my phone...Kings College Hospital arranging an appointment for Friday morning with the endocrinologist. Yay! So soon! I'm a sucker for efficiency.

So the first thing to do is call the mother who is just as keen about finding out about everything as me to inform her (and get her card details to pay for my train home, obviously). Train home on Thursday booked. Then a couple hours later I receive a photo message from her - 'looks like they've referred you to St. George's too!'. It was a photo of a letter I had been sent confirming an appointment at a different hospital (I told her to open my post while I'm not at home). I'm confused. And it's scheduled for next Thursday- a time yes, I guess I can do. But would reeaaally rather not... its Warehouse Project (in Manchester) the next day! And my best friends are coming up to stay that weekend. Gimme a breaaaak, don't ruin my plans, I've been looking forward to this for so long! (But yes yes I am aware, my health should probably come first).

So in my confusion I call my doctors to find out what's going on and whether or not I have to attend both appointments. He seems confused too. He says he's not sure why I've been asked to go to St. George's and I should definitely be assigned to Kings College as he's been liaising and corresponding with their endocrinology team. (Wahey! They've been doing some behind the scenes organising and planning without me even pushing them to). Suits me just fine! I'd much rather have an appointment this week than next. A little win for Gin-Sing.

I'm even more eager for time to go by now so I'm finally clued up about what's going to happen. But it's looking promising seeing as I was told they weren't even due to have a meeting to discuss anything until Thursday. The letter St. George's sent me was also dated on the 6th and my tests were only taken on the 3rd so hopefully I'm with a team that's got their shit together.

I also didn't feel the terrible headaches, dizziness and tiredness I've been feeling from taking my blood pressure tablets (Amlodipine) today... Today was a good day :)

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