Sunday 15 November 2015


I briefly mentioned visiting my poorly pops (Grandma) in my last post but didn't expand on it because it's an entirely different issue and has nothing to do with Cushing's.


My Pops is 81, still works, does tai chi, climbs 3 flights of stairs up to her bedroom etc., a usually very active woman. But a couple of weeks ago she suddenly turned. She's been weak, nauseas, confused, not eating, in pain, dizzy, vomiting, dairrhea etc. but all the doctors and nurses detected and knew was that her sodium levels were low...
Trying to find the cause, it turns out she's got Addison's Disease. A cortisol deficiency. The opposite of Cushing's. What the hell are the chances?!?! Same week, same family, same hormone. One has excess and one is deficient. And there's nothing on the internet to say they're hereditary. There is something going on with the moons, I'm telling you.

It can be treated by taking cortisol supplements, of which they've started administering and she is already in much better health, by the way. My tai chi pop's will be out and back to being a badass in no time.

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